2015 – Courses and events at the CEBM

2015 – Courses and events at the CEBM

oxford-uni-logo-cebmCourses and events at the Centre for Evidence-Based Medicine

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine   
Friday June 19th
Rewley House, Wellington Square, Central Oxford, UK 
Limited Places Available Registration OPEN

Preventing Overdiagnosis
1st – 3rd September 2015
Washington D.C USA
Early Bird Registration OPEN

Teaching Evidence-Based Medicine (TEBM)
14th – 17th September 2015
St Hughs College, St Margarets Road, Oxford, UK
Registration OPEN

Introduction to Evidence-Based Medicine   
Friday November 20th
Rewley House, Wellington Square, Central Oxford, UK
Limited Places Available Registration OPEN

CEBM is committed to providing high quality training and education in the field of EBM and promotes small group learning
More details of available CEBM Workshops can be found when clicking on the link in the online store

Looking forward to hearing from you, kind regards the CEBM Team


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